Sameness & Difference features Ruth Pastine’s Red Green and Yellow Violet Series that engage the iconic vertical canvas format. Pastine’s minimalist works address phenomena of color perception. In each series of seven panels, Pastine advances her rigorous formal systems composed with nuanced admixtures of complementary hues in shifting tonal orchestrations. Challenging our preconceptions, Pastine investigates the subtle character and nuance of color, and the ethereality of light, revealing both a sensual object and ephemeral occurrence, further questioning the perceptual experience and redefines the visual field.
Bentley Gallery
215 E Grant Street
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Luminesce: Red Green at Nathan Larramendy Gallery:
September 4 to October 24, 2004
Expedition: Yellow Violet at Bentley Gallery:
May 15 to June 15, 2003